For consumers, a credit score helps determine how much you pay for certain products and services. In some cases, it may even have an effect on your chances in obtaining employment. A credit score gives lenders an idea of your credit risk and worthiness. Before credit score was developed, consumers looking to obtain credit went through a process that was deemed unfair and inconsistent. A credit score in today’s society helps consumers understand where they are financially in several ways.
A credit score helps consumers obtain a loan approval fairly quickly. Whether you have a good or poor credit score, when you apply for credit you’ll learn your status instantly. The concept is exercised with mortgage companies, retail stores and vehicle lenders to name a few. Your credit score actually helps lenders make a fair decision, which is not based on sexual orientation or race. Their decision is based on your history and details related to that only. This may also help consumers focus on areas they need to improve to help increase their score.
A credit score has information from a consumer’s past and present, yet if you know you made some mistakes in the past your credit score doesn’t count it against you.
So when lenders look at activity related to your score, they can review details from your past and present. As time goes on, poor activity from your past falls off your report, meaning it won’t be visible or relevant but it fades away. A lender may decide to grant credit if they see recent payment patterns that are good.
Since credit scores help lenders understand the history and risk of the potential borrower, it also allows them to offer more credit. Some consumers may apply for credit and be turned down, yet on the other hand you can go to another lender and be approved. This is due to lenders having different standards when it comes to choosing borrowers. In a way, this can be a good thing for consumers because it increases chances of being approved if you find the right lender. A credit score may help you obtain a lower rate on a loan. When this happens, lenders save because it allows them to save on lending costs and procedures. Studies claim that mortgage rates in this part of the world, (Lagos) precisely is higher than that one the ones in the rural locations of the same; meaning the credit scoring system helps those in Lagos in more ways than the citizens in the rural environment.